Our online farmstore ordering is now closed as we wrapped up our 2023 season in August this year. Thank you for all your support of local family farms!

Our Farm's Story

In 2013, our family stepped out in faith and moved to the country to pursue a more simple life. Our main goal was a slower pace that allowed us to connect more deeply with each other, nature, and the old ways of doing things to live off the land as much as possible. Since that time, our small kitchen garden and initial handful of poultry has expanded considerably. Through our growth, we have discovered that not only do we enjoy the final fruits of our labor — real food raised naturally by us — but we love sharing the process and products with others.

In 2018, we decided to take our next leap of faith and start Hohns Acres, LLC with the hope of providing real, locally grown, nutrient dense food for you and your family as well as our own.

We look forward to partnering with you on this food adventure!

Your Farmers,

Amanda & Jeremy

Our Approach to Farming

We value the life of the animal.

We believe the happiest and healthiest animals are treated with respect and compassion. They are given the best life possible, with access to fresh grass, sunlight, and space to move about freely. Here at Hohns Acres, rotational grazing creates a healthier environment for our animals, lessening our need for antibiotics or chemicals. The grazing method improves the fertility of the soil, increasing the nutritional value of what they eat so that we can harvest the highest quality meat and eggs.

We believe in being devoted stewards of the land.

We follow an intensive rotational grazing management approach while implementing and creating sustainable, life giving practices on our farm. Practicing regenerative farming positively impacts both our land and the lives of the animals we raise.

Our pasture areas are 100% chemical, pesticide and herbicide free.

We enjoy bringing others along in the process.

Seeing our children engage with this lifestyle — raising and caring for the food that we eat — is both rewarding and humbling, as well as motivating to share it with even more people. Educating others on where food actually comes from and how small scale farming can work has been equally rewarding.

*Please note that while some individual components of our farming operation are certified organic, our finished products are not USDA certified organic.